Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Math Centers: Week 4

Everyone, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING!  I am about to tell you something very important.  It might seem to go against my role as a "Media Specialist," but the truth is the truth.

It appears that the children in our society are being deprived of life's simple pleasures.  Simple pleasures such as playing Dominoes.

So parents, grandparents, guardians, and after school have a homework assignment.  PLEASE, go straight home tonight and play a game with your children or grandchildren.

No, I am not talking about a video game.  I am not talking about something that has anything to do with flickering pixels on a screen, I am talking about a game involving good old fashioned cardboard and fake money, dominoes or letter tiles, even Phase Ten or Monopoly.

Now, you all know that I love my technology, but when I get kids in the library for math stations and they have no idea how to play dominoes because, and I quote, "All I do is watch TV or play on my phone" we have a problem.  Not just a problem, but an epidemic.

And this is the thing, with a little instruction about the game, they begin to laugh and smile and use critical thinking skills, math skills, and interpersonal skills that are so very important for life.  And they enjoyed it!

When we watch TV our brains go in to neutral.  Nothing fires. No thinking required.

Think about it folks. If you don't use it, you lose it....

Ok, rant over.

At this time, I will describe the three math stations that we participated in the week before last.
Student's rotated through three stations and spent 15 minutes at each one.

We missed last week's stations due to weather and I am late getting this blog posted, but nevertheless here it is.

Station One

Students started out in a station that had a Memory Game that required students to match decimals to the corresponding fraction.

Station Two

Then students rotated to a station where they used Cheez-Its to calculate the area and perimeter of several samples of squares.

Station Three

The third station was simply a game of Dominoes.

Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will get to continue our math stations this week.

Stay warm, wherever you are!

Until Next Time,
Amy Hutto
Library Media Specialist
South Side High School

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