Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Math Centers: Week 3

This week's math centers required a lot of heavy lifting.  And by heavy lifting, I mean that Mrs. Smith did ALL math and I did all the laminating and cutting and copying.  You didn't think I did any of the math did you? No, silly! I am a laminating expert! That is it.  That is how we work. HOORAY for teamwork!!!

This week's math stations differed somewhat between 7th and 8th graders. Some activities took more time than our usual ones so we took two 45 minute periods for 8th graders to complete both of their activities.

Station One (7th grade only)

This station is entitled "Name Area and Perimeter Project." Students use block letters to write their name on graph paper. When they had it done, they had to go and figure out the areas of each letter.  Now, this is not extremely difficult, but it does get the kids to think about the concept of area in a different way.  And plus, WHO DOESN'T LIKE TO COLOR?!?!?!?!?


Graph paper

Station Two (Both 7th and 8th grade)

This station consisted of a game called "Graphing Go Fish" in which you follow the classic game rules except that you are matching a card with a graph to the matching equation.

Supplies Note:  We had to create our own cards to use with this, but they may be available on Teachers Pay Teachers.  The directions can be found on the Internet.

Station Three (Both 7th and 8th grade)

This station involved Skittles candies.  Students had a worksheet that they had to complete that included skills such as sorting, estimation, ratios, proportions, bar graphs, etc.


Skittles (one bag per student)
worksheet packet

Even though these stations took a lot more time than usual, the students had a great time with each one.  The "Graphing Go Fish" was very challenging, especially for the 7th graders, but they eventually got the hang of it.  

Until Next Time,
Amy Hutto
Library Media Specialist
South Side High School

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