Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Math Centers: Week 2

This last week's math centers had a Super Bowl spin.  

Station 1

Mrs. Smith and I collected grocery store ads from all over our area.  We were going to be asking students to plan a Super Bowl party on a budget.  We had clipped similar food items from different stores:  hot dogs, frozen pizza, drinks, dips, chips, and desserts.  We created sheets with two of each item listed on them.  The students, in pairs, had to calculate the unit rate and decide which item would be the best deal or give them the most "bang for their buck."  In the spirit of the Super Bowl, our Principal was able to provide sodas and nachos for the kids to snack on while they worked.

various grocery store ads 

Station 2

In this station, students worked in pairs to play Integer War in which they competed to see who could calculate the sum of positive and negative numbers the quickest and win the most cards.  And let me tell you the competition was HEATED!!!!

Directions for game
5-10 decks of cards depending on group size

For the most part, the students really enjoyed themselves.  I mean, kicked back doing math with a soda and some nachos, who wouldn't?  

But of course there is always that one student. You know the one. The one who doesn't appreciate the work you've put in to make learning enjoyable to them or the strings you pulled to provide them snacks.  

And that's ok.  

I have learned to look at the big picture and especially to not take it personally.  You can't let the frustration with one ruin the joy of the others who are so clearly enjoying math---YES I SAID IT!!! They are enjoying math.  

And here is the kicker...I AM TOO!!!!!

Until Next Time,
Amy Hutto
Library Media Specialist
South Side High School

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