Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tis the CRAFT!

The weeks between Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break are my favorite.  In my library, they are filled with Christmas music, a roaring virtual fireplace, and lots of love and laughter. Everyone just seems more relaxed and joyful this time of year.

This year, these weeks will also be filled with several days of crafting.  

Today we decorated plastic Christmas balls ($1.50 for 5 at Dollar General) with scraps of book and atlas pages from discarded library books.

After a trial run, I was nervous we did not have enough Mod Podge (that stuff is expensive!).  I read that you could also use glue watered down to do this project. We also discovered we needed to have them cut the papers into smaller sizes.  

A little time and a touch of ribbon and the results were really amazing.  This was more time consuming than any craft I've done with students, but the kids really, really enjoyed it and I did too.

Until Next Time,

Mrs. Hutto
Library Media Specialist
South Side High School