Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pinatas can be dangerous, but we book people like to live on the edge...

Our 3rd Annual New Book Release Party was held on Wednesday, September 3rd at lunch. For miles, stretched out on the horizon of the Media Center were shiny, good-smelling, brand-spanking new books...

And as the old adage goes, if you buy them...they will come.

Also, if you feed them cookies and punch they will come. 

And then came the pinata.  It was not the most brilliant or thought out idea I have ever had, but it was so cute and it matched my theme.  Kids lined up for their turn to violently WHAM the pinata with the broom handle I grabbed from the corner of my office.  One minor injury and lots of squealing diving-for-candy kids later, I realized my love/hate relationship with pinatas.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't like to see anyone get hurt, but it is truly priceless to hear the pinata finally break and see 50 kids fling themselves towards the bursting candy like raging lunatics. 

Like I said, we book people like to live on the edge.

Until next time,

Amy Hutto, LMS
South Side High School

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Saving Minds One Book at a Time

"A school library is like the Bat Cave; it's a safe fortress in a chaotic world, a source of knowledge and the lair of a superhero. " 
 --Tom Angleberger

The idea of the library as a lair intrigues me.  It's the main reason I chose a superhero theme for this Fall. A lair is a place where you are comfortable, a place for which you can claim ownership, a place where you can at times relax and at times be productive.  This is my vision for SSHS Library this year. I would like for the library to be a lair, or a "Learning Commons" if you will. I plan for it to be a place of fun, as well as a place of learning and discovery.

"The learning commons, sometimes called an 'information commons' has evolved from a combination library and computer lab into a full-service learning, research, and project space." 

"A learning commons is a 'place of teaching and learning, group work, collaboration, creativity, change, inquiry, communication, and community.'" 

"The learning commons model places a greater view on students, accessibility, cultivating community, project-based learning, flexibility, knowledge seeking, and exploration." 
--Lisa Buckton

I am also committed to better communication this year.  Between the blog and the SSHS Library Facebook page, I hope to be able to share about all of the SUPER things going on in the library this year. I am also very excited to be using Remind 101 to better communicate with book club members and their parents.  

Coming soon:

New Book Release Party, Wednesday, Sept. 3 at lunch

The Selection and The Maze Runner book clubs for September

Looking forward to a SUPER year in the SSHS Library!

Until next time,

Amy Hutto, LMS
South Side High School